Here are 25 collage pictures of private lighthouses, range and mast lights.
Private Lights
Range Lights
Radar Beacons
Deactivated Lights
Mast Lights
Argentia Ferry Wharf
Argentia Fleet Dock
Bull Arm Topsides Pier
Dugong Island
False Start Island
Flintkote Wharf
Holyrood Generating Plant
Kikkertavik Island
Lauras Point
Lewisporte Wharves
Long Harbour Wharf
Mount Pickle Sector
Offshore Oil Rigs
Pier 24 St Johns
Pilleys Island Ferry Wharf
Seal Cove Wharf
Sentinel Hill
St Georges
St Johns Harbour
St Lawrence Fish Plant
Turtle Island
Uigortlek Island
Unknown Island
Whiffen Head